UK Journal of Animal Law

The UK’s only animal law journal. A peer reviewed publication with open access for all but the current edition.

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The UK Journal of Animal Law

A-law publishes a twice-yearly journal focusing on animal law and related subjects.  It is free to members of A-law.  Uniquely it is written for lawyers and nonlawyers alike who want a better world for animals and who view the law as an important means to achieve this.  In-depth analysis from leading academics, lawyers and campaigners ensure that readers are kept up-to-date with current legal challenges in the UK and abroad.

The Journal is published electronically to save our charity costs and to help minimise our environmental impact.


Editorial Team

Carley Lightfoot Lecturer in Law School of Law Birmingham City Univerity

Jill Williams, solicitor (non-practicing).


Peer Review Panel

Dr Simon Brooman, Lecturer in Law.

Dr Rachel Dunn, Course Director, Leeds Law School, Leeds Beckett University

Professor Johanna Gibson School of Law QMUL

Professor Jane Holder UCL Faculty of Laws

Dr Joe Wills Lecturer in Law School of Law University of Leicester

Information for authors

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The Journal’s ISSN and indexing ensure its visibility and accessibility. The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2516-2225 is a unique identifier assigned to our journal, enabling accurate identification and tracking of our publications.


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Current edition

We are a small, volunteer led charity. We rely on subscriptions to support our charitable work, using the law to further animal welfare objectives. Our editor and editorial team are volunteers. Please join and receive the latest edition of the journal. Past editions of the journal are made open access and can be found below.

Archive of previous editions

Please note that volume 1 starts in 2017. Indexing policy changed from this date. Issues between May 2005 and 2016 are indexed separately and reflect our previous name, the Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare. 


Volume 7, Issue 2 – December 2023


Criminal Liability for Dogs Attacking Livestock under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953: A Worrying Time for Farmers? by Stephen Forster. 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 1-15. Read here.

Re-forming the ban: How to shape hunting legislation around the interests of wildlife by Daniel Clark (A-LAW Student Essay Competition winner). 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 16-19. Read here.

Cases, updates and materials. 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 20-27. Read here.

The legal protection of sentient invertebrates in food production in the UK by Dr Deborah Rooke, Dr Debbie Legge & Dr Heather Browning. 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 28-32. Read here.

One Billion Crimes? Farm Animal Welfare Law in the United Kingdom by Jamie Gardiner. 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 33-37. Read here.

Norwegian Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels but rejects call for English Bulldog Breeding Ban by Vanessa Barnes. 7(2), 2516-2225, Pg 38-40. Read here.

Volume 7, Issue 1 – May 2023


Protection From Cruelty for Animals in Europe: An improving picture? Authors – Dr Simon Brooman and Dr Deborah Legge. 7(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-13. Read here

A Comparison of the Welfare Standards Afforded to Wild Animals Kept Under Three Different Legislative Regimes in England. Authors – Frankie Osuch, Stephanie Jayson and Chris Lewis, Born Free Foundation. 7(1), 2516-2225, Pg 14-32 Read here.

Cases, updates and materials. 7(1), 2516-2225, Pg 33-47. Read here.

A-LAW student essay competition winner 2023. Author – Elena Casale. 7(1), 2516-2225, Pg 48-51. Read here

Using the law to address harmful conformations in dogs: Is a breed-specific ban the answer? 2023. Authors – Dr Helena Howe and Tamara Katamine . 7(1), 2516-2225, Pg 53-68. Read here.

Volume 6, Issue 2 – October 2022


Case Commentary: Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. v Breheny 2022. Author – Joe Willis. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 1-8. Read here.

Ivory Act 2018 (c. 30)- A fresh start or the elephant in the room? Author – Rob Espin. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 9-14. Read here.

Hunting Updates. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 15-16. Read here.

“The Jane Goodall Act”: a multidimensional hope. Author – Meganne Natali. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 16-17. Read here.

Legislation. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 17-20. Read here.

Landmark progress towards stronger legal protection for fish. Author – Jenny Canham. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 21-26. Read here.

The protection of badgers- Where are we now? Author – Hannah Darnell. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 27-37. Read here.

On the history and legacy of the Grammont Act, France’s first animal protection law. Author – Ilyana Ait Ahmed and Irina Jameron. 6(2), 2516-2225, Pg 37-40. Read here.

Volume 6, Issue 1 – April 2022


Cheetahs in peril: Cheetahs on the brink. Author – Bridget Martin. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-21. Read here.

2021: Is the UK’s legal approach to “invasive” species of animals justified in the interests of protecting the UK’s native wildlife? Author – Emily Treneman. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 22-25. Read here.

2020: Will increasing the maximum sentence for causing unecessary suffering, contrary to the UK’s Animal Welfare Acts, Enhance the effectiveness of the offence? Author – Violet Smart. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 26-29. Read here.

 Hunting Updates. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 26-29. Read here.

Extending scope of Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill to include cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 33-34. Read here.

The Glue Traps (Offences) Bill. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 34-35. Read here.

Geronimo. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 35. Read here

Wales Animal health and welfare framework: Implementation plan 2022 to 2024 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 35-36. Read here

Two members of A-LAW involved in legal challenge. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 36. Read here

Legislation and policy in Scotland- snapshot 2021-2022. Author – Libby Anderson. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 37-41. Read here

The CITES’ National Legislation Project (NLP). Author – Tanya Wyatt. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 41-43. Read here

The need for a broader constitutionalisation of environmental and animal protection: A question of preserving States’ identify and modernising it. Author – Meganne Natali. 6(1), 2516-2225, Pg 43-45. Read here

Volume 6, Issue 1 – August 2021


The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill: A missed welfare opportunity. Author – Crustacean Compassion. 2516-2225, Pg 1-2. Read here.

Trade and international advocacy: Shark Finning. Author – Laura Jackson and Eleanor Sibley. 2516-2225, Pg 3-4. Read here.

2021: The year the UK finally bans foie gras? Author – Jenny Canham. 2516-2225, Pg 5-6. Read here.

An interview with Arthur Thomas, public affairs manager at HSI/UK about trophy hunting. Author – Britha Parekh. 2516-2225, Pg 7-9. Read here.

Save the Asian Elephants: a breakthrough? Author – Duncan McNair. 2516-2225, Pg 10-11. Read here.

Live exports and welfare in transport. Author – Natalie Harney. 2516-2225, Pg 12-14. Read here.

Farrowing crates and enriched cages: Time for a complete phase-out. Author – Danielle Duffield. 2516-2225, Pg 15-16. Read here.

Response to the Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (England) Regulations 2015 post implementation review, January 2021. Author – Paula Sparks. 2516-2225, Pg 17-20. Read here.

Fish Welfare. Author – Amro Hussain. 2516-2225, Pg 21. Read here.

Puppy Imports. Author – Edie Bowles. 2516-2225, Pg 22-24. Read here.

An analysis of the Kept Animals Bill: Importation. Author – Molly O’Donoghue 2516-2225, Pg 25-27. Read here.

Dog theft on the rise: How in danger is your pet and what can be done about it? Author – Daniel Allen. 2516-2225, Pg 28-29. Read here.

An interview about cat microchipping with Sefan Blakiston Moore, advocacy and government relations officer for Cats Protection. Author – Aaliya Butt. 2516-2225, Pg 30-31. Read here.

Banning the private keeping of primates. Author – Randi Milgram and Michelle Strauss. 2516-2225, Pg 32-35. Read here.

Prohibiting glue traps. Author – Rob Espin and Francesca Nicholls. 2516-2225, Pg 36-37. Read here.

Animals used in experiments and risk of losing welfare gains. Author – Rachel Dunn. 2516-2225, Pg 38-40. Read here.

Animals in Science Working Group: Summary of activity and progress, June 2021, Author – Simon Brooman, Blanche Koenig, Nadine Leese and Paula Sparks. 2516-2225, Pg 41-42. Read here.

Volume 5, Issue 1 – April 2021


The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991: A Criminal Act that is Dangerous to Dogs? Author – Steve Forster. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-14. Read here.

Case Comment: Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others. Author – Joe Wills. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 15-19. Read here.

Case Comment: Lubrizol and others v European Chemicals Agency. Author – David Thomas. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 19-21. Read here.

North Carolina’s ‘Ag-Gag Law’ Declared Unconstitutional. Author – Addison Luck. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 22. Read here.

Case Report: R v Bellway Homes. Author – Rob Espin. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 23-25. Read here.

Judicial review of wild bird culling in Wales. Author – Rob Espin. 5(1), 2516-2225, Pg 25-27. Read here.

Volume 4, Issue 2 – December 2020


Time for Global Animal Welfare. Author – Sabrine Brels and Antoine Goetschel. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 1-6. Read here.

Cases, Updates and Materials. Author – Sophie Mills. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 7-11. Read here.

The Law behind some of the Current Animal-Related Parlimentary Petitions. Author – Randi Milgram and Michelle Strauss. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 12-16. Read here.

Launch of a new Parlimenatry Group formed to promote human-relevant science and the use of non-animal alternative methods in research. Author – Nadine Lees. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 17-18. Read here.

Italy State Council suspends controversial experimentation on macaques. Author – Blanche Koenig. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 18-19. Read here.

Welsh Government to introduce Lucy’s Law. Author – Geraint Manley. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 19-21. Read here.

Free trade agreements, a new farm support system and Brexit: Which direction does UK farming go now?. Author – David Bowles. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 20-28. Read here.

A perspective on dog meat. Author – Hannah Brown. 4(2), 2516-2225, Pg 29-33. Read here.

Volume 4, Issue 1 – August 2020


Recognising the legal rights of animals in Pakistan: A pathbreaking new judgement. Author – Lotta Teale and Owais Awan. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 6-11. Read here.

The ethics of animal circuses. Author – Joe Willis. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 12-15. Read here.

Case Study- Badgers and the Bern Covention: Challenging UK Policy via an International Convention. Author – Alice Collinson. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 16-22. Read here.

Cases and Materials. Author – Sharon Chohan and Imogen Mellor. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 23-25. Read here.

Coronavirus and animal cruelty in China: Major developments. Author – Imogen Mellor. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 26-28. Read here.

Animal welfare measures in Scotland: Penalties, protections, powers and a Commission. Author – Libby Anderson and Iyan Offor. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 29-36. Read here.

Pets at home? Considering animal forensics in the domestic setting. Author – Sam Pickles. 4(1), 2516-2225, Pg 37-41. Read here.

Volume 3, Issue 2 – December 2019


Prosecuting under Animal Welfare Legislation: Why Time is of the Essence by Steve Forster. 3 (2), 2516-2225,  Pg 2-25. Read here.

Addressing Puppy Smuggling by Michelle Strauss and Randi Milgram. 3 (2), 2516-2225, Pg 26-29. Read here.

Greyhound racing in Great Britain- is welfare really at its heart? by Michelle Strauss. 3(2), 2516-2225, Pg 30-36. Read here.

Case Comment: Judicial Review of Ivory Act 2018 by Emily Boyle. 3(2), 2516-2225, Pg 37 -41. Read here.

Two important animal law conferences by Mina Da Dui. 3(2), 2516-2225, Pg 42-48. Read here.

Review: Should Animals Have Political Rights? By Alasdair Cochrane. Author – Randi Milgram. 3(2), 2516-2225, Pg 49-54. Read here. 

Volume 3, Issue 1 – July 2019


Animal Welfare, Bilateral Trade Agreements, and Sustainable Development Goal Two.  Author – Iyan Offor.  3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-7. Read here.

Last One Standing – Now Fallen: The Extinction of Sudan. Author – Julie Boyd.  3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 7-12. Read here.

Explain the Potential Significance of Granting Legal Personhood to Animals in the UK.  Author -Sam Broom.  3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 12-16. Read here.

Scottish Driven Grouse Moor Shooting: A Case for Reform? Author -Scott Blair.  3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 30-36. Read here.

What can Lawyers do for Animals? Education in and Practice of Animal Law in Scotland – Event Report. Author – Iyan Offor & Julie Gibson.  3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 36-42. Read here.

For Fur’s Sake: Can the UK Ban Imports of Fur from Other Countries?  Author – Rachel Dunn. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 42-49. Read here.

Animal Welfare (Service Animals) Act 2019 – aka Finn’s Law . Author – Tiffany Mitchell. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 17-18. Read here.

Case Materials and News. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 16-30. Read here.

A Win for Welfare: Live Explorters’ Judicial Review Claim Seeking Longer Journeys Dismissed by High Court. Author – Danielle Duffield. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 18-22. Read here.

Case Comment: The Queen (on the application of RSPB) v Natural England & Ors [2019] EWHC 585 (Admin). Author – Matthew Wyard. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 26-30. Read here.

Wild Justice and the General Licenses. Author – Carol Day. 3(1), 2516-2225, Pg 22-26. Read here.

Volume 2, Issue 2 – December 2018


The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018. Author – Sarah Clover. 2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 1-7. Read here.

Regulating Sanctuaries: You wait Years then Three Governments Propose different Laws Simulatenously. Author – David Bowles. 2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 7-13. Read here.

Brexit Report – Draft Animal Welfare (Sentencing and Recognition of Sentience) Bill: A Legal Perspective. Author – Paula Sparks & Judith-Anne MacKenzie. 2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 13-18. Read here.

Case Materials and News. Author – Jasmine Allen, Charlotte Hughes & Others. 2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 18-23. Read here.

Botox: An Extended Case Study. Author – Edie Bowles, Dr Katy Taylor & David Thomas.  2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 23-29. Read here.

Seen to be Done. Author – Michelle Strauss.  2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 29-39. Read here.

Reintroducing Wildlife into the United Kingdom: Practical and Welfare Perspectives.  Author – Rob Espin.  2(2), 2516-2225, Pg 39-48. Read here.

Volume 2, Issue 1 – August 2018


The Protection of Biodiversity in Italy: A Case Study of Conviction for Killing Endangered Species.  Author – Carla Campanaro.   2(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-9. Read here.

Consider whether Animal Welfare Legislation should be Extended to Include Decapod. Author – Jessica Allen. 2(1), 2516-2225, Pg 9-13. Read here.

Case Materials and News.  Author – Charlotte Hughes, Katie Thomas and Josephine Burnett. 2(1), 2516-2225, Pg 13-21. Read here.

Animal Sentience in UK Law: Does the New Clause need Claws? Author – Simon Brooman.  2(1), 2516-2225, Pg 21-32. Read here.

Comment: Why the International Vegan Rights Alliance looks to Human Rights to Emancipate Nonhuman Animals.  Author – Jeanette Rowley.  2(1), 2516-2225, Pg 32-36. Read here.

Volume 1, Issue 2 – Winter 2017


Brexit: A New Dawn for Animals Used in Research, or a Threat to the ‘Most Stringent Regulatory System in the World’?  Author – Paula Sparks and Simon Brooman.  1(2), 2516-2225, Pg 1-11. Read here.

‘Boycotting Dogs Bred in Puppy Farms will Increase these Dogs’ Suffering Further and Therefore cannot be Justified’. Discuss. Author – Chris Sangster.  1(2), 2516-2225, Pg 11-15. Read here.

Case Materials and News. 1(2), 2516-2225, Pg 15-26. Read here.

The Implications of the Advertising Standards Authority’s Decision to Reject Complaints about an Advertisement Declaring that Humane Milk is a Myth. Author – Jonathan Price.  1(2), 2516-2225, Pg 26-29. Read here.

Increased Maximum Sentences for Deliberate Animal Abuse: Part of the Armoury of the Criminal Justice System in Tackling Violent Crimes Towards People and Animals. Author – Alice Collinson and Robert Sardo.  1(2), 2516-2225, Pg 29-35. Read here.

Volume 1, Issue 1 – July 2017


Brexit: Opportunities and Threats for Farm Animal Welfare. Author – Peter Stevenson.  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 1-6. Read here.

What does Brexit mean for Wildlife? Author – Mark Jones .  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 7-9. Read here.

The Applicability of GATT Article XX(a) to Animal Welfare Author – Iyan I.H. Offor and Jan Walter.  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 10-20. Read here.

Opinion: Animal Welfare Under Trump: The Real and  Anticipated Concerns – A Personal View from America. Author – Alice Collinson.  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 21-25. Read here.

Case Materials and News.  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 26-27. Read here.

Freedom of Information and Animal Experiments: A Case Study. Author – David Thomas.  1(1), 2516-2225, Pg 28-35. Read here.

Summer 2016


Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence: Exploring the Link. Author – Dr Angus Nurse.  2516-2225, Pg 1-5. Read here.

The Link between Animal Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Juvenile Crime: an Anglo-American Perspective.  Author – Alison Howey,  2516-2225, Pg 6-10. Read here.

EU’s Live Exports – Ignoring the Treaty, the ECJ, EU Law and International Standards. Author – Peter Stevenson,  2516-2225, Pg 10-13. Read here.

Opinion: Gorilla in the Midst of a Zoo Fog. Author – Chris Draper,  2516-2225, Pg 16-19. Read here.

Animal Welfare Law and Policy News Roundup. 2516-2225, Pg 20-23. Read here.

Legal Concerns Regarding Animal Protection in Scotland. Author – Dr Patricia Gail Saluja,  2516-2225, Pg 19-26. Read here.

February 2016


Contemporary Dog-Fighting Law in the UK. Author – Dr Angus Nurse and Dr Simon Harding,  2516-2225, Pg 1-10. Read here.

Bats and the Law. Author – Julie Elizabeth Boyd,  2516-2225, Pg 11-16. Read here.

Animal Welfare Law and Policy News Roundup. 2516-2225, Pg 13-15. Read here.

‘The Hunting Act 2004 has been a useless piece of legislation and therefore should be repealed’. Discuss. Author – Natalie Kyneswood,  2516-2225, Pg 17-19. Read here.

Wild Animals as Pets: The Case for a Review of the Pet Animals Act 1951. Author – Anna Wade and Chris Draper,  2516-2225, Pg 24-28. Read here.

August 2015


Analysing the Arguments For and Against Legal Liability For Killing an Animal Without Proof of Unnecessary Suffering. Author – Dr Gareth Spark,  2516-2225, Pg 1-18. Read here.

The trade in Seal Products and the WTO. Author – David Thomas,  2516-2225, Pg 19-25. Read here.

Veterinary Forensic Pathology and Animal Welfare; an Introduction and the Post Mortem Examination. Author – Alexander Stoll, Gwen Fraser and Simon L Priestnall,  2516-2225, Pg 26-32. Read here.

Case Summary: The Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc. Author – Barbara Bolton,  2516-2225, Pg 33-40. Read here.

Case Reports.  2516-2225, Pg 41-43. Read here.

The tragic story of the Chipperfield big cats makes a compelling case for UK- and Ireland-wide circus ban. Author – Liz Tyson.  2516-2225, Pg 44-46. Read here.

Fear and Anger: Protection of the welfare of non-stunned animals at slaughter afforded by Council Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2009. Author – John J Cranley.  2516-2225, Pg 47-52. Read here.

December 2014


Cats and the Law: Evolving Protection for Cats and Owners Author – Dr Angus Nurse and Diane Ryland,,  2516-2225, Pg 1-6. Read here.

Case Reports, Updates and Other Materials.,  2516-2225, Pg 7-11. Read here.

Domestic Violence: The Impact on Pets. Author – Christine Warner, 2516-2225, Pg 12-13. Read here.

Spring/Summer/Autumn 2013


Striking the balance: The Dangerous Dogs Act, Dog Welfare and Public Protection. Author – Dr Gareth Spark,  2516-2225, Pg 1-12. Read here.

Case, Materials and News. 2516-2225, Pg 13-17. Read here.

‘Philosophical belief discrimination’: Employment Law Protection for workers with strongly held beliefs about Animal Welfare. Author – Nicholas Fry BA MRes LLB,  2516-2225, Pg 18-21. Read here.

The Legal meaning of Charity and how the Public Benefit Test affects Animal Protection Organisations. Author – Dominika Flindt LL.B.,  2516-2225, Pg 22-24. Read here.

Spring/Summer 2012


Beyond Farm Gates: Criminology, the Agricultural Industry and Animal Abuse. Author – Dr Jane Jones,  2516-2225, Pg 1-4. Read here.

On the Virtue of Solidarity: Animal Rights, Animal Welfarism and Animals’ Rights to Wellbeing. Author – Steven P McCulloch BVSc (Bris) BA (Lond) MRCVS,  2516-2225, Pg 5-15. Read here.

Weighing the necessity of animal suffering in religious slaughter: religious freedom versus consumer choice and animal welfare. Author – Deborah Rook and Anna Stephenson,  2516-2225, Pg 16-19. Read here.

Live Animal Exports: An Inhumane and Unnecessary Trade. Author – Peter Stevenson,  2516-2225, Pg 20-22. Read here.

News, Updates and Briefings.,  2516-2225, Pg 23-25. Read here.

Briefing: Challenging REACH Decisions, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 26-27. Read here.

On the Leash: Controlling Dangerous Dogs, Author – Christina Warner,  2516-2225, Pg 28-30. Read here.

Orcas – A Landmark Case. Author – Penny and John Morgan,  2516-2225, Pg 31-33. Read here.

Animal Welfare Protection: A Universal Concern to Properly Address in International Law. Author – Sabine Brels,  2516-2225, Pg 34-37. Read here.

March 2011


Enhancing the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes. Author – Joanne Sellick and Jason Lowther,  2516-2225, Pg 1-9. Read here.

Sentencing in Animal Cruelty Cases. Author – Sally Ann Case,  2516-2225, Pg 10-11. Read here.

Compassion In World Farming Briefing. Author – Peter Stevenson,  2516-2225, Pg 12. Read here.

Case Reports. 2516-2225, Pg 13-16. Read here.

Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis. Author – Bridget Martin,  2516-2225, Pg 17-19. Read here.

The Zoo Licensing Act 1981 and the Welfare of Animals in UK Zoos. Author – Chris Draper,  2516-2225, Pg 20-21. Read here.

Autumn/Winter 2011


Undercover evidence: The use of covertly filmed footage as evidence in animal welfare prosecution. Author – Alan Bates,  2516-2225, Pg 1-3. Read here.

Simba and the Vienna Bronze Sculpture – a brief examination of the plight of the rhinoceros. Author – Bridget Martin,  2516-2225, Pg 4-9. Read here.

The abuse of animals by juvenile offenders. Author – Sally Case,  2516-2225, Pg 10-11. Read here.

Case Summary: Jakobski v Poland (Application no. 18429/06).,  2516-2225, Pg 12. Read here.

News Updates,  2516-2225, Pg 13-16. Read here.

International Conference on Veterinary and Animal Ethics, Author – David Williams, 2516-2225, Pg 17-19. Read here.

Government and Church inaction allows Animal Cruelty to thrive claims Oxford Theologian, 2516-2225, Pg 20. Read here.

Review of “The link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence” 2516-2225, Pg 21-22. Read here.

No Substitute for the Law, Author – Kim Smallwood, 2516-2225, Pg 23-24. Read here.

Wild Animals in travelling Circuses: the Circus has still not left town, Author – Chris Draper, 2516-2225, Pg 25-26. Read here.

House of Commons Symposium: ‘Zoo licensing – is the regulatory regime working?’, 2516-2225, Pg 27-28. Read here.

December 2010


The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) Annual Reviews, 2516-2225, Pg 1-5. Read here.

BUAV call on the UK Government to stop supporting the trade in wild-caught monkeys for research, Author – Sarah Kite, 2516-2225, Pg 6-7. Read here.

Proposed badger cull, 2516-2225, Pg 8-9. Read here.

Farm animal welfare regulations, 2516-2225, Pg 10-12. Read here.

Media Reports, 2516-2225, Pg 13-14. Read here.

Case Reports, 2516-2225, Pg 15-17. Read here.

News from Europe, 2516-2225, Pg 18-19. Read here.

Summer/Autumn 2010


The Protection Of Swans Down The Ages, Author – Bridget Martin, 2516-2225, Pg 1-7. Read here.

Wild animals in travelling circuses: negotiating the road through science, law and politics towards a ban, Author – Chris Draper, 2516-2225, Pg 8-9. Read here.

Cases And Other Materials Concerning Animal Welfare, 2516-2225, Pg 10-15. Read here.

The welfare gap: the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 and the application to primates, Author – Jason Lowther, 2516-2225, Pg 16-21. Read here.

Business As Normal Or As ‘Normalised’? The Future Of The International Whaling Commission, Author – Jason Lowther, 2516-2225, Pg 22-25. Read here.

Winter 2009/Spring 2010


The use of ventilation shutdown as a method to kill poultry during a disease outbreak, Author – David Bowles and Sasha Foreman, 2516-2225, Pg 1-4. Read here.

The poultry beak-trimming ban: Another welfare dilemma, Author – Alan Bates, 2516-2225, Pg 5-7. Read here.

Farm animal welfare, 2516-2225, Pg 8-10. Read here.

Companion animals, 2516-2225, Pg 11-12. Read here.

The welfare of greyhounds, 2516-2225, Pg 13-15. Read here.

Cases, Legislation and Statutory Instruments concerning Animal Welfare, 2516-2225, Pg 16-19. Read here.

The Welfare of badgers – is the law suitable for purpose?, Author – Bridget Martin, 2516-2225, Pg 20-23. Read here.

Winter 2008/Spring 2009


Animal welfare group victory in EC access to information case, Author – Alan Bates and Carolyn Jew, 2516-2225, Pg 2-5. Read here.

The campaign to ban snaring in Scotland, Author – Patricia Gail Saluja, 2516-2225, Pg 5-8. Read here.

Freedom of information, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 8-10. Read here.

UK Case Law, 2516-2225, Pg 11-13. Read here.

Can a chimpanzee be a legal person?, Author – Jolie Norman, 2516-2225, Pg 13-15. Read here.

The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 under the microscope, Author – Deborah Rook, 2516-2225, Pg 16-19. Read here.

The criminalisation of the possession of extreme pornographic images of bestiality: the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, Author – Susan Easton, 2516-2225, Pg 19-20. Read here.

April 2006


The live export trade from Australia: prosecution under the Animal Welfare Act 2002 (WA), Author – Ian Weldon, 2516-2225, Pg 1-2. Read here.

Dubious legality of vivisection as practised in the UK, Author – Pauline Moylan, 2516-2225, Pg 3-6. Read here.

New European chemicals testing policy: “REACH”, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 7-9. Read here.

Media Watch, 2516-2225, Pg 10. Read here.

European developments, 2516-2225, Pg 10. Read here.

Welfare of non-native species, Author – Bridget Martin, 2516-2225, Pg 10-13. Read here.

Killing of dolphins and other cetaceans as “bycatch”, Author – Alan Bates, 2516-2225, Pg 13-15. Read here.

BUAV obtains protective costs order, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 16. Read here.

November 2005


The Animal Welfare Bill, Author – Sasha Foreman, 2516-2225, Pg 1-3. Read here.

What we need is clarity: pet fairs and the Pet Animals Act 1951, Author – Alan Bates, 2516-2225, Pg 3-7. Read here.

The Hunting Act: human rights and EC law challenges, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 7-9. Read here.

Media Watch, 2516-2225, Pg 10. Read here.

UK Case Law, 2516-2225, Pg 10-12. Read here.

Culling of non-native species, Author – Bridget Martin, 2516-2225, Pg 12-15. Read here.

Import of dog and cat fur to the EU, Author – Christine Orr, 2516-2225, Pg 15-16. Read here.

May 2005


Introduction to the Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare, 2516-2225, Pg 1. Read here.

Animal welfare law in the UK, Author – Pauline Moylan, 2516-2225, Pg 1-2. Read here.

The Animal Welfare Bill: an introduction to the philosophy of animal welfare legislation, Author – Mike Radford, 2516-2225, Pg 2-4. Read here.

Is the Hunting Act just an empty shell?, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 4-5. Read here.

Media Watch, 2516-2225, Pg 6. Read here.

Regulation of animal experimentations at Cambridge University: the case of R (BUAV) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Author- David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 6-8. Read here.

UK Case Law, 2516-2225, Pg 8-9. Read here.

Legislation, 2516-2225, Pg 9-10. Read here.

Freedom of information – implications for animal welfare campaigners, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 10-11. Read here.

French cosmetics challenge, Author – David Thomas, 2516-2225, Pg 11. Read here.

The reality gap lives on: the case of R (Compassion in World Farming Limited) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Author – Alan Bates, 2516-2225, Pg 12-16. Read here.

TESTIMONIAL Deborah Weinrauch

“The UK Centre for Animal Law’s exciting, informative, and diverse Journal of Animal Law regularly enlightens an international cross-section of readers who care about animals and their welfare, rights, and role in our interconnected world.”

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