Events & Training

A-LAW runs events across the UK which stimulate discussion about animal law, provide networking opportunities and low cost training to animal welfare charities and NGOs.

Our training events are discounted for A-LAW members and we strive to offer student places at free or substantially discounted rates.

Dates for your diary! Join us…

for our forthcoming conferences and seminars about animal law and policy.

Legal Skills Lab hosted by the Animal Lawyers’ Network
Skills Lab (online) | tba | 1-2pm
To learn about our network, and the ongoing labs and topics, visit our Animal Lawyers’ Network page, here.

Looking for a guest speaker?

We are often invited to speak at universities and colleges about animal law and policy. We help students understand some of the philosophical and ethical issues around our relationship with animals and how this impacts the legal protection afforded them. Get in touch if you would like us to speak at your university, college or event.

Some of our highlights! Relive past events…

and visit our YouTube channel, Animal Law TV, to watch recordings of our webinars and conferences.

Animal Law Careers: Pathways Towards Advocacy for Animals, November 2020

Lawyers who chose different pathways to advocate for animals were brought together to share their experiences and perspectives for the next generation of lawyers, legal academics and legal activists. The individual talks were followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

Animals and Wildlife Law in Scotland, February 2020

A-LAW’s Scottish Steering Committee hosted an event focusing on Scotland’s Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill. We were grateful to be joined by Mike Radford OBE, Scott Blair and Libby Anderson (A-LAW), Leia Fitzgerald (Wildlife Management Team Leader, Scottish Government), Andrew Voas BVM&S MRCVS (Scottish Government Veterinary Head of Animal Welfare) and Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn MBE (Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

An evening with Victoria Shroff & Gavin Ridley, January 2020

We welcomed leading Canadian animal lawyer, Victoria Shroff, to talk to us about recent legal developments in Canada, including dog control cases that she has been working on. We were also pleased to welcome Gavin Ridley from the Abused Pet Refuge who spoke about coercive control in domestic abuse cases and how companion animals can be a target for abuse and a tool to exert control over family members.

Using the Law to help Animals & Activists, January 2020

A-LAW and Advocates for Animals co-hosted an event in Exeter, discussing some of the legal tools that can be used to help animal advocates. Advocates for Animals co-founder, Edie Bowles, was joined by solicitor, Alice Collinson (Advocates for Animals), barrister, Alan Robertshaw (Goldsmith Chambers), and solicitor, Patricia Sheehan (Mustoe Shorter) for an interesting and informative evening seminar.

How to use the Law to Help Animals, September 2019

This event featured guest speakers Michelle Richner from Tier im Recht (TIR) Switzerland and Edie Bowles (Advocates for Animals), alongside A-LAW Chairperson, Paula Sparks. The seminar was an opportunity to discover important differences in animal protection law in Switzerland, as well as showcasing how lawyers can use their legal skills to help animals.

Agriculture & Animal Welfare Post-Brexit, November 2018

Co-hosted with solicitors, Leigh Day and Wildlife and Countryside Link, this event enabled lawyers, NGOs and campaigners to explore some of the important post-Brexit issues likely to affect animals used in agriculture, including implications of trade law, procurement and the Agriculture Bill.

Animal Rights and Legal Protections: A Perspective from North America, July 2018

An evening with Steven M. Wise, founder and president of the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) and Camille Labchuck, lawyer and executive director of Animal Justice, a national animal-law advocacy organisation in Canada. This event provided an opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the field from the USA and Canada.


Student Careers Afternoon, January 2017

In January 2017, A-LAW’s Student Group hosted its first Careers Afternoon for students, the first event of its kind in the UK. The event was well attended by students from various disciplines, including law and veterinary science. We were thrilled to welcome a wide range of guest speakers to address our audience, including lawyers, academics and charity professionals.

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