Our Team

We are proud to be a volunteer-led charity. We are supported by a part time Legal Support Officer and the remainder of our work is carried out by our volunteer team. 

Meet our Team! The people…

behind the UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW), the UK’s leading animal law charity.

Paula Sparks, Chairperson & Trustee

Paula is Chairperson of the UK Centre for Animal Law (A-law). She was previous in practice as a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. Paula has an interest in animal law and regularly lectures and writes on topics around animal law and policy; she is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Winchester where she teaches animal law and policy. She also has experience in the voluntary sector, where she worked prior to starting independent practice as a barrister.

Alan Bates, Legal and Policy Director & Trustee

Alan is A-law’s Legal & Policy Director. He is a barrister who specialises in competition, procurement, public/administrative and EU law. From 2000–2001 he worked at the Law Commission, auditing the compatibility of legislation with the ECHR. He advises campaign organisations on Parliamentary procedure and the legal aspects of their lobbying strategies.

Judith-Anne Mackenzie, Senior Policy Advisor

Judith-Anne is now retired after a career: (1) as an academic lawyer; (2) in the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (who draft primary legislation and advise the government on parliamentary procedure); and (3) in the Government Legal Service, in a range of government departments (Energy, Trade and Industry, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Transport). She is a specialist in public and administrative law, and in land law. Judith-Anne is also special adviser to the Save Me Trust on Whitehall matters.

Frances Allen, Senior Policy Advisor

Frances Allen is a barrister who specialises in public law at Goldsmith Chambers. She has a long-standing interest in animal rights and studied Zoology at University. On gaining tenancy in 1997, Frances co-founded A-law with Jeremy Chipperfield. She is currently on A-law’s Senior Policy Team and is part of the Animal Rights Team at Goldsmith Chambers.

Tiffany Mitchell, Legal Support Officer

Tiffany is employed as our Legal Support Officer to provide student support and academic outreach, as well as providing legal support for A-law’s other project, policy and educative work. Tiffany is from Newfoundland, Canada. She graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a BA in Law & Society and German with a certificate in Criminology. She then graduated in 2018 with a LLB from the University of Leicester. Tiffany was a recipient of the Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship awarded by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, a US Animal Law Charity. She also founded and chaired the UK’s first SALDF Student Society at Leicester University Law School. She  is an articled clerk at McInnes Cooper, a business law firm in St. John’s, Newfoundland. 

Libby Anderson, Scottish Steering Committee

Libby is a retired animal welfare policy advisor, most recently for the campaigning charity OneKind (formerly Advocates for Animals) based in Edinburgh.  Libby has worked on policy aspects of legislation such as the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006, Marine (Scotland) Act, Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011, Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Act 2018, Animal Welfare (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Act 2020 and Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023.  She was involved in founding the Cross-Party Group on Animal Welfare in the Scottish Parliament and acted as Secretary for several years.  Currently, she is the Secretary of the Wild Animal Welfare Committee and a Member of the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission.

Sophie Mills, Scottish Steering Committee

Sophie is a graduate of the University of Aberdeen where she completed the LLB (Hons) and DPLP qualifications.  During her time at university Sophie studied the Animal Welfare course and completed her honours dissertation on the use of animals in scientific procedures. She is currently a second-year trainee solicitor with the WS Society in Edinburgh, on secondment to Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP and has an interest in charity law.  Sophie is passionate about improving animal welfare, and promoting a cruelty free lifestyle. Sophie and her family adopted their first rescue greyhound in 2008 and since then she has campaigned to end greyhound racing. She sits on the Scottish Steering Committee of ALAW. 

Scott Blair, Scottish Steering Committee

Scott Blair is a Scottish Advocate who has an interest in and experience of animal protection law. He is acknowledged as an expert in licensing law and administrative law and aims to bring that expertise into play in animal protection issues.

Alison Burns, Scottish Steering Committee

Alison Burns is a solicitor, speaker, actor and award-winning jazz singer. As a practicing solicitor specialising in intellectual property, she has worked in legal firms and universities in the UK and is currently the in-house solicitor within her own company. Meanwhile as an actor and jazz singer she joined Hilary Clinton, Aretha Franklin and Steve Jobs in being a recipient of the prestigious Brand Laureate Award. Alison is dedicated to improving animal protection and the recognition of non-human animals’ legal rights and believes that all animals deserve to live a life worth living free from cages, exploitation and cruelty.

Hannah Moneagle, Scottish Steering Committee

Hannah is a practising Scottish Solicitor, Law Lecturer and the Director of the Grampian Community Law Centre, which forms part of Robert Gordon University’s Law School.  Hannah is an Associate of the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, a member of Police Scotland’s North East Wildlife and Rural Crime Working Groups, a member of the UK Centre for Animal Law’s wildlife working group and Scottish steering group, and the former Crime and Advocacy Advisor for Scottish Badgers.  Hannah is also a Land and Rewilding Manager for an area of woodlands in Aberdeenshire.  Hannah’s particular area of interest is wildlife law and specifically badger protection.  Hannah has hands-on experience in animal rescue and advocacy, and was previously the appointed Animal Ambassador for Willows Animal Sanctuary and Animal-Assisted Therapy Unit, and a volunteer Care Worker at the North East Wildlife and Animal Rescue Centre, both in Aberdeenshire. 

Mike Radford OBE, Trustee and Scottish Steering Committee

Mike Radford is a Reader in Law at the University of Aberdeen. He has taught and lectured on animal law widely, in addition to working extensively on the development of animal welfare law and policy with politicians, officials, veterinarians, NGOs, and other interested parties. Mike is presently a trustee of Dogs Trust, the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, and OneKind; a member of the All Party Group on Animal Welfare; and a visiting lecturer at both Edinburgh and Glasgow Vet Schools. He was a founder member of both A-law and the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association. Mike was appointed OBE in 2008 for services to animal welfare law.

Natalie Harney, Farmed Animals Co-Chair & Trustee

Natalie holds a degree in English from the University of Birmingham and completed the GDL with Distinction in 2018. Natalie has a long-standing interest in animal law, particularly enforcement and the accountability of public authorities and private bodies responsible for farmed animal welfare. She works full-time for an animal welfare charity.

Dr Debbie Rook, Companion Animals Co-Chair


Randi Milgram, Companion Animals Co-Chair

Randi is a US-qualified lawyer and is in the process of requalifying in the UK. She spent several years practicing in intellectual property and public law in America. Her recent practice has focused on various aspects of English companion animal law, primarily comparative analyses of UK-USA breed specific legislation, agricultural protection laws, and puppy mills. A main interest is in connecting modern animal legal advocacy with intersectional socio-political awareness and support. Randi is a trustee of The Animal Advocacy Project.

Rob Espin, Senior Policy Advisor & Wildlife Co-Chair

Rob is the chair of A-law’s Wildlife Special Interest Group. Rob trained at a magic circle firm and practised restructuring and insolvency law upon qualification, later moving in-house into a commercial team. He became involved with A-law whilst a student at university studying international wildlife law. Outside of A-law and work, Rob acts pro bono as a consultant for the Lifescape Project and advises on matters of rewilding and wildlife welfare.

Dr Angus Nurse, Wildlife Co-Chair

Randi is a US-qualified lawyer and is in the process of requalifying in the UK. She spent several years practicing in intellectual property and public law in America. Her recent practice has focused on various aspects of English companion animal law, primarily comparative analyses of UK-USA breed specific legislation, agricultural protection laws, and puppy mills. A main interest is in connecting modern animal legal advocacy with intersectional socio-political awareness and support. Randi is a trustee of The Animal Advocacy Project and also runs the A-law blog.

Laura Kiy, Farmed Animal Co-Chair

Following an undergraduate degree in French and English & American Literature, Laura worked in international relocation before running her own business for several years. However, she has always had a keen interest in animal welfare and decided to pursue a career in law to learn how changes to legislation can be influenced in order to afford animals greater protection. Having completed the GDL and LPC LLM, Laura is now a second-year trainee solicitor and enjoys putting her legal research skills to the test by volunteering for A-LAW. Laura is particularly interested in how strategic litigation is used to highlight specific issues concerning animal welfare and the need for reform.

Blanche Koenig, Research Animals Co-Chair & Treasurer & Trustee

Blanche is a dual-qualified lawyer (UK & New York) with a background working in-house for various technology companies. Her experience has encompassed a range of topics including commercial contracts, marketing/advertising, privacy, ecommerce & consumer law, company secretarial, competition and disputes and she particularly enjoys supporting corporate ESG programs. Blanche has a long-standing interest in animal protection and volunteers with A-Law on various projects.

Lotta Teale, Project Manager

Lotta qualified as a barrister in family law and worked for 15 years in international development on basic legal services and access to justice for women in a range of low and middle income countries. Becoming a vegetarian at the age of five, she has long been committed to improving the lives of animals, and was thrilled to join team at alaw as project manager in 2023.

Charlotte Edgar, Scottish Steering Committee and Scottish Legal Correspondent

Charlotte is a commercial litigation solicitor qualified in Scots and English law. She has a strong interest in animal protection legislation, animal legal philosophy, and strategic litigation involving animal welfare issues. She recently studied for an online Masters degree (LLM) in Animal Law at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. Charlotte shares her life with two horses and in her spare time, enjoys exploring the beautiful Scottish countryside.

Simon Cox, Non-Executive Trustee

Simon is an Associate Tenant of Doughty Street Chambers. He is employed as the Migration Lawyer for the Open Society Justice Initiative, where he develops, implements and manages legal strategies and projects to promote the rights of international migrants worldwide. Before taking up his current post in October 2011, Simon was a tenant of Doughty Street Chambers where he acted for many civil society organisations, including Amnesty International, the AIRE Centre, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, Refugee Legal Centre, Child Poverty Action Group and BUAV.

Jeremy Chipperfield, Non-Executive Trustee

Jeremy is Co-founder of A-law. He is a barrister and Assistant Coroner in West London and in Oxford. Jeremy’s civil liberties experience includes defending the first criminal prosecution of the new offences (re animal research organisations) under s 145/6 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 and various proceedings relating to the activities of activists around the country; civil actions against the police and defending High Court actions and Committal applications brought by claimants including Monsanto, Huntingdon Life Sciences, John Lewis and Circus King.

Erin Leach, Ethics and philosophy

Erin is a Researcher in international human rights law, specialising in the application of the core international human rights treaties and ECtHR caselaw. Her work advocates utilising the international treaty framework to generate effective systemic and policy change at the national level in both member and non-member States. She is particularly interested in indigenous rights and self-determination, prisoners’ rights, refugee law, environmental justice and animal law. She has conducted research for the Queensland Human Rights Commission in Australia ahead of the introduction of the State’s first Human Rights Act this year; Geoffrey Robertson QC at Doughty Street Chambers; and the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland.   

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